> How about a compromise?  Here is my proposal:
> Fork the metadata tree (perhaps putting the new one in SVN) and make it
very clear that the gumpmeisters have no intention of maintaining the
traditional metadata themselves (but anyone with commit priviledges may
modify the traditional metadata if they so wish - the latter is no different
to the way things are now).

I think previous discussions prefers CVS (to SVN) so as not to force all
potential Gump metadata maintainers (all committers) to learn SVN, until ASF
has pretty much moved over. That said, we could have foked metadata in CVS,
and code in SVN. This is what I proposed.

> Whenever a project wants to switch from ant to maven builds, the
gumpmeisters will strongly recommend that the equivalent traditional
metadata is deleted from CVS, but the final decision will rest with the
actual project team.  This means that over time the traditional gump's view
of the universe will shrink, but people can still make their private
traditional gumps do whatever they want.

Trouble is, take a few 'low level' projects out of the metadata and it all
comes tumbling down....

> We state that Java gump is now in "sustaining" (or equivalent wording) -
no new features will be added but we may choose to make critical bug fixes.
Python gump is the version that people should be using.

You proposal and mine are about the same, we just don't go back and
touch/clean-up the 'traditional' metadata. Personally, I'd still call this

> We leave retiring the traditional metadata until the Python performance
problems have been addressed (congrats on the progress with this, by the

Thanks. Wish me luck...



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