> I've been struggling with Gump performance issues for months now. That is
> 'clogs up' (on large workspaces) has continually hampered usage &
> my progress .

One thing that I did find when I was doing performance analysis/tuning of
the DOM-like (create a tree of objects then serialize) code was that this
code was one huge major total and complete *leak*. It really ought just add
a simple attribute to the class the leverages it (i.e. owner) and it ought
clean up (when __del__ is called remove that, breaking circular links) -- 
**but it doesn't**. I watch memory grow with it in, and not without it. I
don't get Python!

I removed use of this & the leak goes away.


This needs to be made prettier, but see it runs in 2 something hours, which
isn't bad for a virtual machines:




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