... which is relatively speedy (for Python Gump).

I think the multi-threaded CVS|SVN updates have taken a bunch of the idle
latency out of the equation, so cost Brutus little & saved a bunch.

Of course, I've long since forgotten how long traditional takes to do a run,
but comparing against previous Python Gump, this doesn't suck.

See:  "Dates/Times" on  http://brutus.apache.org/gump/public/.

FWIIW: I've not experimented with # of threads (this used 1 main thread, 5
background workers) to see which is optimal, nor counted how many times [if
any] the main builder thread had to stop and do the update.]

(One day (a ways off) I hope to multi-thread the project builds, but that is
a tad more complicated due to inter-dependencies. Also, I am going to crack
repository work first. FWIIW: We are generating/publishing jars to a repo,
just not making it public yet, pending legality checks.)


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