Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
This is not a rant, but constructive criticism.

1) as I mentioned already, I think that having gump (or forrest or whatever) generate static HTML pages creates more problems than it solves. I think we should move the architecture with something like this

metadata -> gump -> database -> jenny -> user

I agree. Keep in mind that

   metadata -> gump -> database -> jenny <-\
     ^                                     |
     |                                     |
     \---------- user <--------------------/

it's worth thinking about workflow if you split things up, before you split things up. It could be that you want to have a "Jane" besides "Jenny", where Jane is used for modification of the metadata and execution of complex workflow activity. Or whatever.

Another minor comment: let's make sure we *brand* the whole thing as gump, not just a part of it.


- Leo

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