Stefan Bodewig wrote:

On 6 Oct 2004, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

metadata cleanup while figuring out the DTDs

I'm afraid you are doing too much cleanup and we rather need to adjust
the DTD.

well, not so sure.

      <ant basedir="proposal/xdocs" target="docs-from-scratch">
 -      <jvmarg value="-Xmx256m"/>

This is the only occurence of this in the entire repository.

Why doesn't anybody else has a problem with this?

should better be supported.

 -        <ant target="gump" debug="true">
 +        <ant target="gump">

Is supported by Gump (the Python incarnation) IIRC.

This was used in 3/4 descriptors. I really don't understand why it should be a descriptor/based thing.


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