Stefan Bodewig <bodewig <at>> writes:

> On Sun, 31 Oct 2004, Dalibor Topic <robilad <at>> wrote:
> > Stefan Bodewig <bodewig <at>> writes:
> >> 
> >> Ant's bootstrap script can use jikes easily by setting the JAVAC
> >> environment variable.
> > 
> > Ah, cool, I didn't know that. Since which version of ant is that the
> > case?
> Hmm, the change has been made four years ago for the jpackage folks
> (who wanted to bootstrap using jikes .  So it in there since 
> Ant 1.3.
> <>

Thanks, I should have just read the source :)

> > Yes. the main reason is that kjc is not greedy wrt to resolving
> > missing classes, whereas most other compilers are, so people
> > naturally write build.xml files that don't work with kjc, which
> > needs to be fed all classes on the command line.
> Detecting those builds may be interesting in itself, but folks would
> be unlikely to change their build files - but rather tell you that
> kopi was broken.

Yeah. I guess both the greedy and the minimalist approach have their 
pros and cons, but the greedy approach has become so common, that it 
wouldn't be likely that someone would maintain the build for the 
minimalist approach, I assume, unless it offered some major breakthrough
in compiling Java code :)

Otoh, it may be interesting to write a 'greedyness' wrapper for compilers
in ant, rather then implementing greedy dependency handling in each 
minimalist compiler[1] separately. If Ant maintains dependency information,
it could use that to generate transitive dependency closures of sources
needed to build, right?

dalibor topic

[1] kjc, gcj, possibly ikvmc[2], jc's genobj[3], and other
java-to-something-unusual compiler tools.

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