We are trying real hard to push Gump the final mile[1] to 100% success rate, 
and we are now so close that even small issue are being addressed.

If we look at;

we can see;
1. Download of commons-logging occurs. The preferred method would be to check 
if some c-logging class exist, prior to the download. Gump provides for the 
classes in the classpath. (minor issue)

2. javassist-3.0-rc1 is trying to be downloaded from ibiblio.org/maven, and 
that doesn't exist either. Either do the above (1.) since Gump is providing 
the HEAD build of the said package, or tell us how to tell the build script 
where to find this jar.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Niclas Hedhman

P.S. Please respond to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[1] The current success rate is >90% and here is the current list of failing 
projects; http://brutus.apache.org/gump/public/project_todos.html
|   http://www.bali.ac         |
|  http://niclas.hedhman.org   |

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