Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Tue, 09 Nov 2004, Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This is a very strange way to ship tasks IMHO

just curious, what would be a better way? lenya copied it from cocoon, I think.

Have cocoon build it and provide it as a jar.  Something like a
cocoon-xconftool project that both cocoon and lenya depend on.

Shipping a class file in CVS is as good or bad as keeping the jars
there - and I'm in the "no jars in CVS" camp.  No religious debate,

Things may be even worse for class files if nobody knows about their
origin.  class files for classes in the default package are probably
the worst of all.

fair enough, was just curious.

I agree that how lenya build is a little bit fucked up but there are more important things to be concerned about ATM.


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