does this mean that you worked around log4j?

On Nov 30, 2004, at 1:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Gumpmeisters,

The following 2 notifys should have been sent

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module jakarta-velocity success
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project werken.xpath (in module jakarta-velocity) success
*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module jakarta-velocity success
To whom it may satisfy...

This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For
more information please visit,
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Module jakarta-velocity *no longer* has an issue.
The current state of this module is 'Success'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were provided:
-ERROR- *** Failed to update from source control. Stale contents ***

The following work was performed: update_jakarta-velocity.html
Work Name: update_jakarta-velocity (Type: Update)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Command Line: svn --quiet update --non-interactive jakarta-velocity
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/cvs]
svn: 'jakarta-velocity' is not a working copy

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============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 18000930112004, brutus:brutus-public:18000930112004
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #1.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project werken.xpath (in module jakarta-velocity) success
To whom it may satisfy...

This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For
more information please visit,
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project werken.xpath *no longer* has an issue.
The current state of this project is 'Success'.

Full details are available at: index.html

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were provided:
-DEBUG- Sole output [werken.xpath.jar] identifier set to project name
-INFO- No license on redistributable project with outputs.

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS: rss.xml
- Atom: atom.xml

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 18000930112004, brutus:brutus-public:18000930112004
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #2.

-- Apache Gump [Instance: brutus]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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