On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Ian P. Springer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > > For example, one of our Maven deps has artifactId 
> | "axis-wsdl4j", but
> | > > the wsdl4j Gump project's jar name is "wsdl4j".
> | > 
> | > Then I really think your Maven dep is wrong since wsdl4j is not
> | > produced by Axis and shouldn't be considered part of Axis IMHO.
> | 
> | It appears the correct ID is axis:axis-wsdl4j, ie the artifact ID
> | is axis-wsdl4j, the group axis. This seems right.
> | 
> | So is the problem that wsdl4j has declared itself to be something
> | different in gump than it did in Maven?
> The axis:axis-wsdl4j is a result of how Axis publishes the wsdl4j
> jar in the Maven repo

Given that I know a few projects that have jars in the Maven repo
without any help by the project itself, I'm not sure it is correct to
say "how Axis publishes" in this context.

I'll start a new thread under a different subject to catch Dims'
attention 8-)


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