On 08-01-2005 03:46, "Brett Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://wiki.apache.org/gump/MavenId


> Any thoughts on what the best path is?

As I've said before, I think some fundamental changes to gump are in order
so that it really understands maven and fits the maven project model (which
is quite rich) into its own. The wiki page you wrote really goes a long way
to helping me understand what those changes need to be.

I think you're spot on that gump basically needs to change to support the
maven model of one-jar-per-project-definition. In fact making it
one-output-per-project-definition seems to make even more sense, where a
"maven dist" is a different project from a "maven jar".

It will take a while for us to get there. One thing I wouldn't like to see
happening is that you need 20 project definitions for a single ant command
that results in 20 jars. I.e. Gump needs to support maven's
one-jar-per-project model, but also others, and they all need to be
convenient to set up.

Thinking about just doing (module = groupid, project = artifactid), that
might get us into problems as the module name is also used for other things
at the moment. But IIRC you can override that behaviour, so let's make that


- Leo

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