I've made some committed changes to some long failing projects. I'm not set up to actually test the changes, basically take a shot in the dark and check the next morning if I hit anything.

ant-contrib-tests started failing around 8 Dec on the AntServerTest with a broken pipe IOException. I believe it was attempting to open up a socket on localhost. My guess was there was some change to the Gump machine that blocked those sockets. I'm an admin of that project, but wasn't aware that I had commit rights on the gump descriptors at the time, so I addressed it by removing those tests from the ant target run by Gump.

log4j-tests was down for a while since it had a dependency on jetty-plus. The jetty-plus dependency was removed. In a intervening change, it was renamed logging-log4j-tests.

jetty-plus was down since it implemented a log4j interface (RepositorySelector) that had a breaking change since log4j 1.2. In the follow up discussion on the log4j-dev mailing list, it was confirmed that the change was intended to break apps that had implemented the previous interface and that the mortbay jetty effort had moved into Apache. I've changed the jetty-plus descriptor to build against logging-log4j-12, but that hasn't run yet.

logging-log4j went down due to a change in its build file where log4j-chainsaw.jar (log monitoring application) was no longer built during by the "jar" target. That was fixed in the log4j project but it was agreed that it would be a good thing to spin off the chainsaw app as logging-log4j-chainsaw. logging-log4j-tests failed last night, but the newly added tests have been backed out of the Gump build.

domts-dom3 started failing in early December but took a vacation while Xalan was broken. The problem appears to be that DOM Level 2 definitions (likely provided by xml-common's xml-apis) are hiding the DOM Level 3 definitions during compilation. I've removed the xml-apis and xerces dependencies to see what happens.

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