On Mon, 14 Mar 2005, Adam Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since these three runs use the trunk of SVN, the change I added last
> week (to [on posix] file lock the module prior to a CVS|SVN update)
> ought be in effect.

I think the sync step needs to lock the directories as well, since
otherwise the working copy after sync can be in an inconsistent state.

> Theoretically they ought now share this space cooperatively.


> BTW: Are we looking for a free-j run/workspace?

I don't think so.

> Do we need to make room for that?

I'll raise the disk space issue in my next board report and will give
infrstrastructure and board a heads-up that we could use more disk
space, even though we don't have an urgent need.

Leo, do you think I should hold that back and you want to talk about
it at the infrathon?

> [RT: I wonder if we could even overlay runs, having them use the
> same working areas/everything. If they clean up (via sync) before
> they run, I wonder where the harm might be.]

If they overlap in time, the later will sync away contents the one
that has started first still needs.  Say "public" is still running and
somewhere down to project number 600 and Kaffe starts and syncs away
ant.jar.  Wouldn't be nice for public's project 601.


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