> Ehm, no, I don't think so. And we actually gained some memory. I'm hoping
> that gump will be completely moving onto several vmware instances and some
> solaris zones. (FYI, the solaris machine has stuff like 32GB of RAM. It's
> animal). That will free brutus up for other stuff.

That works for me. [I don't think Gump will "like" being on a VM (VMWare
don't push their stuff for use cases that like to use 100% resources) but I
think it is one Gump ought take for the team. It can move slower, and/or we
can optimise it further.]

Most of re-install Gump ought be trivial, but I do worry about things like
Dims' mono build, and such. Hopefully w/ a backup we (at least) have a crib

Thanks for all your efforts Leo, especially the recent extra infra work
you've been putting in.



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