Adam Jack wrote:
> I've been tinkering with an IRC plug-in for Gump3 that allows it to interact
> with an IRC channel.

Whoah! Cool! Is this up and working on any of our servers atm? Can we
fix up a cronjob somewhere to enable this?

> Let me know your thoughts on this.

I like.

Have only looked at the code real briefly. Looks nice. One thing I

# What is the request?
+        if cmd == 'version':
+            c.notice(peer_nick,'%s:%s' % (GUMPBOT_NAME, GUMPBOT_VERSION))
+        elif cmd =='help':
+            c.notice(peer_nick,'help,disconnect,die,stats,dcc,version')
+        elif cmd == "disconnect":
+            self.disconnect()
+        elif cmd == "die":
+            self.die()
+        elif cmd == "stats":

...doesn't scale if we want to do a whole lot of this (which I'm not too
sure of). The next step up would be some kind of a table, probably...

# pseudocode which probably won't compile
CMDS = {'version': handle_version_cmd,
        'help': handle_help_cmd
        # ...
# ...
  self.peer_nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
  if CMDS.has_key(cmd):
    command_function = CMDS.get(cmd)
    self.connection.notice(self.peer_nick, "Not understood: " + cmd)

If we don't want to flexibilize, it's great to see how little code we
need to make this work. Maybe we could have even less code on the
push-messages side of things by having logging configured to go to a
channel in some idea if functionality exists for that. But
that's basically design-ahead-of-need, for now this is nice.

The other top-of-head idea is that its nice to have a "persistent" bot,
e.g. one that we can actually tell to fire up a gump run (or stop one,
or list active ones). That would probably require an out-of-process
server and some kind of remote procedure calls??


The final obvious thought is it will take time to figure out the
interactions and/or notifications that we would want on IRC, but it
would be nice to note how to do it and how easy it is to add commands.

cheers & gnight/morning,


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