Simon Kitching wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Simon!

> The thread about Gump3 presentation made me think about spikesource
> (
> Spikesource are a new commercial company. One of the things they do is
> have a gump-like setup

uhm, I would call that a cruise-control-like setup. Gump is *different*.
Come to my ApacheCon EU presentation to find out exactly how it is
different! The spikesource people should certainly come ;)

> that makes daily builds of a range of open-source
> projects. I know because they recently emailed commons-dev asking why
> commons-logging was failing to build for them.

Hehehe. Point them to the gump descriptor, it contains the data they
need :-)

> They have a web interface to the current build state here:

Boooooring :-)

It certainly *looks* pretty though. We can borrow some workflow ideas.
Thomas, you reading? :-)

I'll put my money on Maven Continuum blowing this to pieces sometime
soon (seems like it fulfills the same need) as that's got broad
community backing. There is no way a corporate service is going to be
better at maintaining something like this when there's an open source
project that does the same.

> Just thought people might be interested...

Yeah, I'm watching. Seems like a really weird way to try and make money
from open source.



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