>>So.. after alott of research and looking in to what 
>>technolegie to use the final is Java+struts. I have started 
>>make some pages and code one usecase (read more on wiki page).
>Which one? Do you have a link to that Wiki page?
Oops sorry!!


>>Since I don't have so much experience of gump and know what 
>>the user might be interested in pleas come with sugestions on 
>>what you whant to se and what the application should do.
>Gump sends an email if a project failed. So the developer is interested
>in getting the information WHY it failed. 
>- error log / stacktrace
>- build output
>So the navigation to these infos should be easy.
>Just my opinion.
Offcurse the navigation is important thats why I ask you who as worked
alot with gump would like to have it. As for now I'm focused on the the
information in the database.

>>Also I have made my webserver that I work on public so if you 
>>whant to see the ongoing process you can go to 
>>http://nacka.no-ip.com/Gump3Present/. The server will only be 
>>running while I'm working so to be sure that the server is up 
>>you can check with me on irc.freenode.net#afsgump. (if I'm 
>>online the server is running.)
>Cool to have running view :-)
>Just my 2ct on the navigation menu design 
>- the <span> description is cool, but IMO it should be under the whole menu 
>bar, because
>  it´s very jerkily. The copyright statement goes down and up.
>- Ah yes - copyright statement: we have 2005 (sorry Stefan ;-) and I´m not 
>sure if
>  the "and its licensors" is ok.
>The main page (http://nacka.no-ip.com/Gump3Present/) refers to "Build results 
>page", but
>it´s the wrong link: you have forgotten the "results.jsp"
I know there is alot of dead links... but it's a work in progress. I'll
fix that asp

>- I´m not sure if table borders would help reading (same for following pages); 
>  the start- and end-column are to close together
>- use colours for the states; e.g. xjavac-row (success) in green, xml-apis 
>(failed) in red, 
>  xml-resolver (stalled) in orange (configurable via CSS)
regarding the webpage. I have not worked annything on the design. I have
taken that from dynagump. The focus has been on retrieving information
from the database and presenting if for the user. The layout and design
issues dosen't have the highest priorety at the moment. Although good
idees... :-).


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