Thanks Stefan!

I'll try and let you know if it would solve the proxy problem.


Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On 2011-03-21, Ludmila Shikhvarg wrote:

We had started to use the company proxy.

I was afraid you'd say that.  Right now the maven repo proxy is not
aware of your HTTP proxy settings and there is no way to configure a
HTTP proxy, at all.

It might be possible to fiddle with Java system properties to make it
use the HTTP proxy - or not.  Even if it worked (I'm not familiar enough
with the underlying httpclient library) you'd still have to add those
system properties to the java command invocation when Gump starts the
mvn repo proxy, which would require you to modify the Python code.

So I see three things that need to be done:

(1) Make the mvn repo proxy (which is written in Java and mostly wraps
    restlets) optionally work with a HTTP proxy.  Most likely class to
    be modified is
    and the Main class a level above to deal with configuration.

(2) Make the proxy settings configurable in Gump (likely Python code

(3) Pass the settings to the mvn repo proxy when starting it - Python,
    namely the spawnProxy method in

I can't promise I'll be able to code any of this myself any time soon,


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