we will need to see  results from


1)java -version


2)results from ./target/surefire-results

3)file characteristics such as size, date-time-stamp of $JAVA_HOME/bin/zip.dll

(if more than 1000 characters please place on pastebin )

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> Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 16:37:50 -0700
> From: ludmila.shikhv...@oracle.com
> To: general@gump.apache.org
> Subject: compress-antlib-test & test-junit failed
> Hi,
> Here are another failures with JDK8 from 
> https://jdk8.java.net/download.html
> compress-antlib-test and test-junit are started to failed with b94 and 
> onward:
> Output
> Buildfile: /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/build.xml
> setup-properties:
> setup:
> determine-test-types:
> setup-for-junit-tests:
> compile:
> check-for-NOTICE:
> antlib:
> [jar] Building jar: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/build/lib/ant-compress-1.1Alpha.jar
> compile-tests:
> ready-to-test-with-junit:
> junit-test:
> setup-for-antunit-tests:
> ready-to-test-with-antunit:
> antunit-test:
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/ar-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 34, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 105.108 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNonFileDest took 1.313 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithoutSlash took 2.578 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfUpToDate took 5.155 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArFileSet took 2.452 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioFileSet took 2.44 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserveDuplicates took 1.154 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailEmpty took 1.114 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarFileSet took 2.474 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserveLeadingSlashes took 2.495 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 37, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.419 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithBackslash took 2.497 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testImplicitDirectoriesUsePermissions took 1.129 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfOutOfDate took 7.635 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfUpToDate took 5.157 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfOutOfDate took 7.643 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testSkipEmpty took 1.125 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithDirectories took 1.09 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFullpath took 2.536 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserve0Permissions took 2.389 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceCreateOfUpToDate took 7.195 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNoDirectoriesByDefault took 2.46 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPlainFileSet took 2.369 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfUpToDate took 5.235 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 37, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.641 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarFileSet took 2.323 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfOutOfDate took 6.961 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFileSetPermissionsWin took 2.352 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAddDuplicates took 1.119 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRemoveLeadingSlashes took 2.502 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithSlash took 2.523 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithImplicitDirectories took 1.082 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceReplaceOfUpToDate took 7.557 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test0PermissionsGetReplaced took 2.47 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailDuplicates took 1.069 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/archives-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 6.6 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCircularReference took 1.087 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReference took 1.129 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testExtractJars took 1.782 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMixingFormats took 1.163 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testZipManualExample took 1.369 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/arentry-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3.496 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testResourceProperties took 2.344 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArSource took 1.102 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/arfileset-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3.305 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchive took 1.11 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArSource took 1.084 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchiveDoesntMatter took 1.1 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/bunzip2-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 5.989 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreBzip2Task took 1.155 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibBzip2Task took 1.196 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithResource took 1.124 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testHugeFile took 1.381 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNativeBzip2 took 1.096 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/bzip2-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 12.901 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testDateCheck took 1.136 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailTwo took 1.077 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRealTestWithResource took 1.214 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailTwoDests took 1.081 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testHugeFile took 2.39 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailNoDest took 1.092 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailNone took 1.093 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNestedTask took 2.581 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRealTest took 1.18 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/bzip2resource-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 1.158 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNativeBzip2 took 1.153 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/conditions-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 24, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 34.879 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarHasUserId took 1.106 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArHasUserId took 1.161 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibZipHasMode took 1.094 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibZipIsLastModified FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 293, column 20
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.373 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarHasMode took 1.125 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArIsLastModified took 2.409 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArHasGroupId took 1.114 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreZipIsLastModified FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 272, column 20
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.512 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreZipHasMode took 1.251 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarHasUserName took 1.094 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarIsLastModified took 2.351 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArHasMode took 1.137 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarHasGroupName took 1.1 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioIsLastModified took 2.376 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarHasGroupId took 1.116 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarHasGroupName took 1.112 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarHasUserName took 1.157 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioHasMode took 1.122 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarHasMode took 1.089 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarHasUserId took 1.133 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioHasGroupId took 1.108 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioHasUserId took 1.133 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarHasGroupId took 1.119 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarIsLastModified took 2.403 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/cpio-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 33, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 99.794 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNonFileDest took 1.156 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithoutSlash took 2.429 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfUpToDate took 5.111 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArFileSet took 2.333 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioFileSet took 2.355 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserveDuplicates took 1.146 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailEmpty took 1.154 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarFileSet took 2.364 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserveLeadingSlashes took 2.362 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 37, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.399 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithBackslash took 2.404 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testImplicitDirectoriesUsePermissions took 1.148 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfOutOfDate took 6.403 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfUpToDate took 5.103 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfOutOfDate took 6.4 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testSkipEmpty took 1.071 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithDirectories took 2.325 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFullpath took 2.4 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserve0Permissions took 2.424 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceCreateOfUpToDate took 6.352 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNoDirectoriesByDefault took 2.351 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPlainFileSet took 2.415 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfUpToDate took 5.137 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 37, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.656 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarFileSet took 2.449 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfOutOfDate took 6.398 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFileSetPermissionsWin took 2.33 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRemoveLeadingSlashes took 2.374 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithSlash took 2.374 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithImplicitDirectories took 2.315 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceReplaceOfUpToDate took 6.397 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test0PermissionsGetReplaced took 2.405 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailDuplicates took 1.128 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/cpioentry-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3.43 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioSource took 1.082 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testResourceProperties took 2.342 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/cpiofileset-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.488 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchive took 1.102 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUncompressSource took 1.14 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioSource took 1.092 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchiveDoesntMatter took 1.141 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/gunzip-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 6.681 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test2 took 1.088 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test1 took 1.106 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNativeGzip took 1.137 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibGzipTask took 1.101 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreGzipTask took 1.11 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithResource took 1.103 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/gzip-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 10.302 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testDateCheck took 1.286 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailTwo took 1.164 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRealTestWithResource took 1.113 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailTwoDests took 1.08 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailNoDest took 1.121 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailNone took 1.082 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNestedTask took 2.321 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRealTest took 1.096 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/gzipresource-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 1.09 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNativeGZip took 1.088 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/tar-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 36, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 102.675 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNonFileDest took 1.14 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithoutSlash took 2.332 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfUpToDate took 5.135 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testExplicitUstarLongFile took 1.13 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArFileSet took 2.438 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioFileSet took 2.33 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserveDuplicates took 1.076 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailEmpty took 1.077 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarFileSet took 2.366 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 39, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.434 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithBackslash took 2.372 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testImplicitDirectoriesUsePermissions took 1.089 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfOutOfDate took 6.366 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfUpToDate took 5.181 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfOutOfDate took 6.38 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testImplicitUstarLongFile took 1.106 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testSkipEmpty took 1.135 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithDirectories took 2.329 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFullpath took 2.437 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserve0Permissions took 2.337 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceCreateOfUpToDate took 6.368 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNoDirectoriesByDefault took 2.339 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPlainFileSet took 2.308 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfUpToDate took 5.093 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 39, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.588 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarFileSet took 2.343 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfOutOfDate took 6.413 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFileSetPermissionsWin took 2.386 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testOldgnuLongFile took 2.345 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAddDuplicates took 1.07 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRemoveLeadingSlashes took 2.374 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithSlash took 2.358 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithImplicitDirectories took 2.463 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceReplaceOfUpToDate took 6.35 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test0PermissionsGetReplaced took 2.318 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailDuplicates took 1.103 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/tarentry-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.667 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testResourceProperties took 2.382 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUncompressSource took 1.088 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testTarSource took 1.116 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/tarfileset-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.433 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchive took 1.081 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUncompressSource took 1.11 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testTarSource took 1.102 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchiveDoesntMatter took 1.126 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/unar-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 2.18 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstNativeAr took 1.104 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstAntlibArTask took 1.07 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/uncpio-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 11.511 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstNativeCpioBinary took 1.112 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstNativeCpioCRC took 1.098 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstAntlibCpioTaskBinary took 1.191 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstAntlibCpioTaskOldAscii took 1.139 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstNativeCpioOldAscii took 1.166 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstNativeCpioNewAscii took 1.124 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testResourceCollection took 3.499 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstAntlibCpioTaskNewAscii took 1.14 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/untar-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.871 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstAntlibTarTask took 1.17 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstCoreTarTask took 1.181 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testResourceCollection took 1.374 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstNativeTar took 1.117 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/unzip-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 5.891 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstAntlibZipTask took 1.115 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testStrippingOfPathsep took 1.113 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstNativeZip took 1.086 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAgainstCoreZipTask took 1.173 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testResourceCollection took 1.378 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/zip-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 37, Failures: 13, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 105.446 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNonFileDest took 1.15 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithoutSlash took 2.36 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfUpToDate took 5.171 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testArFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.329 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCpioFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.362 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserveDuplicates took 1.146 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailEmpty took 1.11 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreTarFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.429 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserveLeadingSlashes took 2.364 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.34 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testComment took 1.102 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithBackslash took 2.33 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testLevel took 1.11 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testImplicitDirectoriesUsePermissions took 1.085 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfOutOfDate FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 557, column 20
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 6.404 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRoundDown FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.315 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfUpToDate took 5.25 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUpdateOfOutOfDate took 6.365 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testSkipEmpty took 1.126 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithDirectories took 2.355 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFullpath took 2.396 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPreserve0Permissions FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.434 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceCreateOfUpToDate took 6.372 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testNoDirectoriesByDefault took 2.434 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPlainFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.354 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testReplaceOfUpToDate took 5.099 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCoreZipFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.607 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAntlibTarFileSet FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.446 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testCreateOfOutOfDate took 6.392 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFileSetPermissionsWin FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.36 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testAddDuplicates took 1.118 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testRemoveLeadingSlashes took 2.387 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testPrefixWithSlash took 2.398 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testWithImplicitDirectories took 2.331 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testForceReplaceOfUpToDate FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 533, column 20
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 6.433 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test0PermissionsGetReplaced FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 35, column 24
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.349 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testFailDuplicates took 1.085 sec
> Continuation...
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/zipentry-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.593 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testResourceProperties FAILED
> [au:antunit] at line 59, column 20
> [au:antunit] Message: Assertion failed
> [au:antunit] took 2.404 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUncompressSource took 1.068 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testZipSource took 1.112 sec
> [au:antunit] Build File: 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/src/tests/antunit/zipfileset-test.xml
> [au:antunit] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.377 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchive took 1.116 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testUncompressSource took 1.158 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test-refid-check-encoding took 1.098 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testZipSource took 1.105 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test-refid-modify took 1.717 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: test-refid-check-prefix took 1.068 sec
> [au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchiveDoesntMatter took 1.081 sec
> test:
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/ant-antlibs/compress/common/build.xml:226: At 
> least one AntUnit test has failed.
> Total time: 9 minutes 17 seconds
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Output
> Buildfile: /home/dtftest/gump/results/junit/build.xml
> dist:
> [java] JUnit version 13062013
> [java] 
> ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I.I..........................................E...........................................................................................................................................I....................................................................................................................
> [java] Time: 5.183
> [java] There was 1 failure:
> [java] 1) 
> inaccessibleBaseClassIsCaughtAtValidation(org.junit.tests.validation.InaccessibleBaseClassTest)
> [java] java.lang.AssertionError: Expected exception: 
> org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError
> [java] at 
> org.junit.internal.runners.statements.ExpectException.evaluate(ExpectException.java:33)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(ParentRunner.java:271)
> [java] at 
> org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:70)
> [java] at 
> org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:50)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:238)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:63)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:236)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:53)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:229)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:309)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:127)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:26)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:238)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:63)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:236)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:53)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:229)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:309)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:127)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:26)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:238)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:63)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:236)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:53)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:229)
> [java] at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:309)
> [java] at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:160)
> [java] at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:138)
> [java] at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:117)
> [java] at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMain(JUnitCore.java:96)
> [java] at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runMainAndExit(JUnitCore.java:47)
> [java] at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.main(JUnitCore.java:40)
> [java] 
> [java] FAILURES!!!
> [java] Tests run: 620, Failures: 1
> [java] 
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/junit/build.xml:211: The following error occurred 
> while executing this line:
> /home/dtftest/gump/results/junit/build.xml:181: Java returned: 1
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ludmila

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