Dear Gumpmeisters,
The following 4 notifys should have been sent

*********************************************************** G U M P
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Module java-hamcrest failed
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Project java-hamcrest (in module java-hamcrest) failed
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Project rat (in module rat) failed
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Project test-ant (in module ant) failed
*********************************************************** G U M P
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Module java-hamcrest failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at

Module java-hamcrest has an issue affecting its community integration,
 and has been outstanding for 3274 runs.
The current state of this module is 'Failed', with reason 'Update Failed'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -INFO- Failed with reason update failed

The following work was performed:
Work Name: update_java-hamcrest (Type: Update)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 2 mins 32 secs
Command Line: git fetch --quiet --no-tags origin 
[Working Directory: /srv/gump/public/workspace/cvs/java-hamcrest]
fatal: unable to access '': 
gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

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============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Apache Gump(TM) version 2.3.
Gump Run 20180921000008,
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #1.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Project java-hamcrest (in module java-hamcrest) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at

Project java-hamcrest has an issue affecting its community integration,
 and has been outstanding for 2671 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Update Failed'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Sole jar output [java-hamcrest-*[0-9T].jar] identifier set to project 
 -INFO- Failed with reason update failed
 -INFO- Failed to extract fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

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- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Apache Gump(TM) version 2.3.
Gump Run 20180921000008,
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #2.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Project rat (in module rat) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at

Project rat has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 2 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 214 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - forrest-rat :  Apache Forrest software is a publishing framework that 
    - rat :  Release Audit Tool

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- (Apache Gump generated) Apache Maven Settings in: 
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed
 -DEBUG- Maven POM in: /srv/gump/public/workspace/rat/pom.xml
 -INFO- Failed to extract fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_rat_rat (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 37 secs
Command Line: /opt/maven3/bin/mvn --batch-mode -DskipTests=true 
-DjavaVersion=1.8 --settings 
/srv/gump/public/workspace/rat/gump_mvn_settings.xml package 
[Working Directory: /srv/gump/public/workspace/rat]
M2_HOME: /opt/maven3
[au:antunit]   <taskdef uri="antlib:org.apache.rat.anttasks"
[au:antunit]            resource="org/apache/rat/anttasks/antlib.xml"
[au:antunit]            classpathref="all-classes-needed-for-tests"
[au:antunit]            loaderref="testloader"/>
[au:antunit]   <target name="setUp">
[au:antunit]     <pathconvert dirsep="/" property="">
[au:antunit]       <path>
[au:antunit]         <pathelement 
[au:antunit]       </path>
[au:antunit] '
[au:antunit]    took 0.071 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testWithALUnknownSentToFile took 0.167 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testWithReportSentToFile took 0.077 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testCustomMatcherSentToFile  caused an ERROR
[au:antunit]    at line 333, column 43
[au:antunit]    Message: Unable to find a javac compiler;
[au:antunit] is not on the classpath.
[au:antunit] Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.
[au:antunit] It is currently set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre"
[au:antunit]    took 0.032 sec
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Creadur Rat ................................. SUCCESS [  4.145 s]
[INFO] Apache Creadur Rat::API ............................ SUCCESS [  3.356 s]
[INFO] Apache Creadur Rat::Core ........................... SUCCESS [ 14.655 s]
[INFO] Apache Creadur Rat::Plugin4Maven ................... SUCCESS [  8.863 s]
[INFO] Apache Creadur Rat::Tasks4Ant ...................... FAILURE [  3.857 s]
[INFO] Apache Creadur Rat::Command Line ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 36.068 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-09-21T01:30:34+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 49M/396M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (default) on project 
apache-rat-tasks: An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error 
occurred while executing this line:
 Tests failed with 0 failures and 6 errors
[ERROR] around Ant part ...<ant 
inheritRefs="false" inheritAll="false">... @ 11:112 in 
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :apache-rat-tasks

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============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Apache Gump(TM) version 2.3.
Gump Run 20180921000008,
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #4.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[GUMP@vmgump-vm3]: Project test-ant (in module ant) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at

Project test-ant has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 87 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - test-ant :  Java based build tool

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -WARNING- Bad *Optional* Dependency. Project: bsh : unknown to *this* workspace
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_ant_test-ant (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 9 mins 3 secs
Command Line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true 
-Xbootclasspath/p:/srv/gump/public/workspace/xml-xerces2/build/xercesImpl.jar:/srv/gump/public/workspace/xml-commons/java/external/build/xml-apis.jar:/srv/gump/public/workspace/xml-xalan/build/xalan-unbundled.jar:/srv/gump/public/workspace/xml-xalan/build/serializer.jar -Dgump.merge=/srv/gump/public/gump/work/merge.xml 
-Dtest.haltonfailure=false -Dant.home=/srv/gump/public/workspace/ant/dist 
[Working Directory: /srv/gump/public/workspace/ant]
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.023 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testUpdate took 0.015 sec
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.026 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testOwnedBy took 0.003 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testAsTrueConditions took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testRequiresOwner took 0.002 sec
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.006 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testMapperByTypedef took 0.002 sec
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.029 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testWritable took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testAsConditions took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testReadable took 0.003 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testUnwritable took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.045 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testIfFalse took 0.013 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testIfNotSet took 0.007 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testIfTrue took 0.002 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testIfSet took 0.003 sec
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.023 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testAsFalseConditions took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testAsTrueConditions took 0.005 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testNoSymlink took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testSymlink took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.024 sec
[au:antunit] Target: test-refid-check-encoding took 0 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchive took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchiveDoesntMatter took 0 sec
[au:antunit] Build File: 
[au:antunit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.036 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchive took 0.002 sec
[au:antunit] Target: test-refid-check-encoding took 0 sec
[au:antunit] Target: test-refid-modify took 0.013 sec
[au:antunit] Target: test-refid-check-prefix took 0.001 sec
[au:antunit] Target: testMissingArchiveDoesntMatter took 0 sec



/srv/gump/public/workspace/ant/build.xml:1662: Unit tests failed

Total time: 9 minutes 2 seconds

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============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Apache Gump(TM) version 2.3.
Gump Run 20180921000008,
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #5.

Apache Gump [Instance: vmgump-vm3]

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