+1 - no question :)

On Jul 20, 2005, at 2:40 PM, Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

Noel said that rather than hassling the Incubator PMC members for
release approval, we should just graduate!

So please vote on graduating Derby to a sub-project of Apache DB.

The developer community continues get the Apache Way and its diversity
has increased since the last graduation vote (where it got good reports).

We've added five new committers during incubation based upon their
contributions, which gives us committers from three independent entities.

We've performed two releases (though the latest is waiting approval from
the incubator PMC :-)

DB-PMC has discussed the inclusion of a sub-set of Derby PPMC members.

DB-PMC has voted to accept the project (see status file)


My vote +1.


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