Martin Cooper wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't believe that the ASF should be a place for "crowning"
> > staid and mature projects.  I would like to see continued
> > innovation here, too.

> I agree with you. Unfortunately, from what I've seen from looking
> at Zimbra, it's more like the first generation way of doing DHTML
> frameworks. I'd prefer not to have that become the de facto standard

These are fair points, but as I've said in some other e-mails today, why are
they fatal, rather than things that can be addressed during Incubation?  Are
you saying that the community is fatally flawed and cannot evolve?  Isn't
that a bit like saying that we should reject Struts because JSF is the
newer, better way, and we don't believe that the Struts community can evolve
outside their box?

FWIW, if one of the Zimbra folks is out there reading these messages, I
would like to see some sort of technical response to some of the concerns
that have been raised regarding the current Zimbra approach, and where the
overall AJAX technology appears to be evolving.

        --- Noel

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