On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Andrew Clark wrote:

Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
I see .java files - that has nothing to do with AJAX,
so I'm sort of confused.  I'd be expecting to see, well,
only JavaScript.
If it has .java files, it isn't a 'client library'.  So,
I want to make sure we clarify where the boundaries are,
so stupid people like me can make calls as to whether
there's scope creep or not.

Without communication to the host server, AJAX is just
JavaScript in a web page. So there is a natural tendency
to have server-side infrastructure to complete the AJAX
programming model.

While some AJAX toolkits do include server side code (e.g. Zimbra, DWR), others do not (e.g. Prototype, Dojo). There are pros and cons on both sides. You've detailed some of the advantages of providing it; the main down side would seem to be that it could slow adoption by those who are building their web apps with other server side languages, or even dissuade them from using it. Of course, you could always add support for other languages as well, assuming there are no ties to Java.

My 2 cents.

Martin Cooper

At a basic level, there's a need to provide localized
content for the application running in the browser. For
example, in the Zimbra client, we put all of the resources
in a standard Java .properties file and have a simple
servlet detect the preferred language, load the resources
(merging them), and return the data as a JS class. And
at a higher level, there's a need for authorization,
notification, etc.

While this submission starts with the primary widget
toolkit needed to start building AJAX applications, there
is a need for server-side code to complete the model. And
Java is a natural solution for this part and it ties in
nicely with Tomcat and other solutions already at Apache.

I hope this helps explain why there is some Java code
in the client library. And, as for scope, I don't think
the AJAX toolkit will stop simply at client-side widgets
because that's only half of the picture. But I think we
can start there and have it grow/evolve over time.

Andy Clark * Zimbra * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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