On 1/25/06, David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> >>  * David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>  * Yoav Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>  * J Aaron Farr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > Where are the mentors?  Are the champions also going to mentor
> > the project?
> According to the docs I read, the incubator PMC is supposed to assign
> them.  I'd planned to help out where possible in that role.

Exactly.  According to the *current* Incubator policies, a proposal
only starts with champions.  The sponsor, in this case the Incubator
PMC, is supposed to assign a mentor upon acceptance of the proposal. 
Technically, the policies only refer to a single champion and single
mentor.  There's nothing to suggest there cannot be more than one
champion, but the documentation does suggest that the mentor role is
fulfilled by a single individual who has specific oversight

In practice, the roles of champion and mentor have been reversed and
confused.  In particular there was a recent vote on changing some of
these requirements and policies.  In any case, both David and I have
expressed a willingness to mentor and I believe Yoav may be as well,
though I don't recall him specifically saying so.


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