On 2/7/06, David E. Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there any guidelines about the size of a code contribution that
> would necessitate a license grant document?

You would just need a CLA not a software grant form for each contributor.

SpamAssassin required every person who ever submitted a patch that was
committed to submit a CLA.  This implied that every person who ever
contributed a rule to SA signed a CLA with the ASF before Incubation
was complete.  (SA was also changing licenses too.)  That was their
biggest hurdle in Incubation, and it's probably going to be the
biggest challenge for any existing open-source project that has a
community as well to enter the ASF.

Targetting everyone is probably the correct way to start off.  At a
minimum, anyone who ever had write access to your repositories should
have a CLA on file before graduation.  Once you see how many people
you can't get CLAs for, then we can make a determination about what to
do next: remove the patches they contributed from the code base or
deem them small enough contributions not to require a CLA.

(In case you're wondering, the current ALv2 says that Contributions
made back to us are licensed to us under the ALv2 - therefore, we
don't *require* CLAs from people who don't have commit who send us
patches on our mailing list.)

HTH.  -- justin

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