On 4/20/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -1
> Bill Stoddard is correct in his understanding of
> http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Releases.  The
> fact that other people have voted +1 without verifying that the release
> adheres to Incubator policy is a bit disturbing, but that's why we have
> multiple sets of eyes on these things.
> I really don't understand why it has been so hard for ActiveMQ and
> ServiceMix to follow Incubator policy, particularly after James acknowledged
> precisely what needs to be done, and said that the issues would be corrected
> for the next ActiveMQ candidate.

FWIW now that the ActiveMQ build is fixed it should never again fail
these incubator release requirements - though it did take quite a few
attempts to get there. This is the first attempt at a milestone
release of ServiceMix so its hardly surprising that one little thing
was missed.

Right now there's a disclaimer in the README and the maven POM and
artifacts clearly use 'incubator-servicemix'. The missing piece (which
is my bad, I should have fixed it when I fixed ActiveMQ) is that the
maven project which creates the assembly does not include 'incubator-'
in the filenames of the generated zips/tarballs - though its clearly
visible in the directory name in which those tarballs are placed
together with the maven POMs.

FWIW I use maven for pretty much all projects I work on and use; so
mentally when I see a maven build I read the project name from the
groupID/artifactID of where the distro is in the maven repo - e.g.
looking at the URL Guillaume posted I read 'incubator-servicemix'
version '3.0-M1'. I suspect many other folks do the same - which could
be why noone noticed the need for another explicit 'incubator-' in
there for good measure.

I've patched the build so this issue should be resolved now (it was
servicemix-assembly/project.xml). Guillaume do you want to cut another
build of 3.0-M1? Then AFAIK we should have the ServiceMix build
process complying totally with the current incubator release



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