On 4/21/06, Bruce Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/21/06, Rodent of Unusual Size <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Leo Simons wrote:
> > > James, dude,
> > >
> > > *sigh*. I feel like a broken record these days.
> > >
> > > Nowhere does any policy ever say "you can do stuff which is not
> permitted by
> > > law or for which you have no license". To state the reverse in a
> policy would
> > > be rather, well, redundant. There is ample documentation out there on
> our
> > > websites (and more in the works) to help with complying with the law
> and various
> > > licenses.
> >
> > No, but the legal aspect isn't necessarily the concept
> > looming largest in a developer's mind.  So a simple checkbox
> > on the page (I'll do it myself in a few minutes, if I figure
> > out how to frob the site) to the effect of: 'Have the
> > licences of any/all bundled code been identified and noted
> > in the release?  Has a NOTICE file been included that
> > summarises them and their requirements where they differ
> > from the Apache licence's?  Have their requirements been
> > met?' would, IMHO, be a goodness.
> Bingo! Ken hit the nail on the head!!! A checklist would do wonders
> for podlings and preparing releases. Even though I've been through the
> Incubator before, a lot has changed since that time.

most of the questions raised are covered in the canonical documentation:
http://www.apache.org/dev/release.html. i'd hope that all release managers
for podlings would spend the time required to read the existing release
documentation and post questions on infrastructure or incubator general
about anything which isn't covered. we really need documentation (at the
foundation level) from which anyone can learn to perform ASF releases. IMO
secondary documentation at the incubator level would be counterproductive if
it encourages release managers to ignore the material on the foundation

porting a good instruction to the foundation site list from jakarta, struts
or ant has been considered before but most of the instructions concern
language specific best practice rather than policy. there are a number of
issues which are about understanding the issues rather than simply following
a recipe. hence the FAQs rather than a list of instructions.

what would be useful is a check list aimed at checkers of incubator

- robert

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