Martin Cooper wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >
> >The committer who is operator does a regular commit of
> >the logfile to our SVN. This keeps good track and allows
> >us to refer to the log during the meeting. It could
> >also enable people not on IRC to still be involved
> >because they could reply to the svn commit email.
> Wading through 24 hours of IRC logs is not something many people are going
> to do, though, especially if they weren't part of the original discussion,
> and so don't know what they're looking for.

I agree. Forrest is still a small project, so it is
manageable. Average log size is 1000 lines.

As we all know, reading IRC logs is very difficult.
Being there in real time is also difficult.

That is why the summary is so important.

> >We have said that we will also create a summary text
> >of the days events. This latter task has not been
> >carried out very well.
> This is one of my main concerns. More times than not, I've seen claims that
> a summary will be posted that are not followed up.

I agree. Forrest is on thin ice.

> >Personally i reckon that the events have been very
> >beneficial.
> Have you participated in them? I'm sure people who participate feel they go
> well, but I'd be more concerned about how the people who have
> _not_participated feel about them.

All but one. And i was keen to read the whole log.

Yes, i agree we need to see other points-of-view.

> >I am still wary of using IRC more often than that.

I am very glad that this topic is happening in a wider


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