Jukka Zitting wrote:
> Hi,
> On 8/14/06, Bob Scheifler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm extremely reluctant to start out with two podlings.
>> I'm not sure what "governance" you have in mind beyond the spec process,
>> but I don't believe we have sufficient commitments from people to keep
>> an equivalent of the existing Jini community standards process going
>> forward.  I think our best shot at success is a single podling, which
>> maintains both specs and code under a single development process.
> +1
> If it becomes more evident that a cleaner spec/impl divide is needed,
> then that can be handled during incubation when everyone has a better
> understanding of the issues. For now I think it makes more sense to
> bring the existing community in as it exists instead of artificially
> splitting it based on external requirements.

We have a tradition, for good reason, for not giving our projects
"technology domain" ownership for implementations.  I'd never support
"Apache EMail" or "Apache Web".  That's why if we are going to have
"Apache Jini", it shouldn't be implementation focused.


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