On Oct 1, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Taken from the "Problem with commit rights on Celtixfire" thread:

 - The Incubator PMC sets the Mentors, who form the initial PPMC
 - The PPMC (Mentors) elects additional PPMC members
 - The PPMC elects Committers

This also implies changing the proposal's initial committers list to
something suggestive not binding, allowing the the Mentors review and vote
on comitters.

-1.  Of the people participating in a new project, the Mentors are the
least capable of selecting a PPMC.  They generally know nothing about
the code or the community, but rather know how to get things done at
Apache.  The Incubator PMC is even less able than that when it comes
to selecting Mentors in the first place.

The people listed in the proposal as committers are the PPMC.  If some
project allows too many people to jump on the proposal at the beginning
in order to make the proposal look better to Apache, then they are stuck
with the results.  Don't like that answer?  Then dissolve the podling
and start over.  Have committers that haven't bothered to contribute?
Then vote them off the island, just like a real PMC. Truth in advertising
demands that you follow the process as described in the proposal and
use the Apache mailing lists for all project discussions.


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