

On Oct 8, 2007, at 10:14 AM, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:

infrastructure asks that all official releases are distributed from
subdirectories of /www.apache.org/dist. this means that infrastructure
team can gaurantee the availability and security of releases.  podling
releases are official releases by the Incubator project. the
disclaimers we ask projects to include ensure that users understand
their status.

therefore (as a matter of policy) these releases should be made
available from within http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator but this is
not made clear in Incubator policy. here is a policy patch that makes
this clear:


AIUI most current releases are store elsewhere. i'm willing to perform
the necessary rationalisation work.

moving releases into dist does highlight issues about long term
availability and security of releases but i think that these are best
discussed in separate threads.

i'd like to ask the IPMC to approve this policy clarification.

here's my +1

- robert

--8<------------------------------------------------------------------ -----
[ ] +1 Insist that releases are distributed within
[ ] +0
[ ] -0
[ ] -1 Do not apply this policy patch (reasons appreciated)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

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Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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