Hi Hen,

Thanks for the comments.

I'm sending this issue back to the incubator, having determined that there's nothing confidential and the incubator might be the better place to continue (or close) the discussion. Also changing the subject.

I'll try to remove all of the groups that I know of, related to projects that I can fix, and add or update project roles.

Perhaps this would be a good thing for an incubator guide, since most jira projects now are established in the incubator.


On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:54 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:

On 10/23/07, Craig L Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Henri,

Well, I'm somewhat confused as to best practice with regard to JIRA
projects at Apache.

Sorry about the delayed reply. I deleted the comment I'd made to that
issue because it seemed that things were setup correctly.

I see both jira groups and roles being used and to an outsider it
appears random. I'm an administrator for JIRA (mostly just try to fix
a small number of projects) and maybe I need some training.

Basic one is:

If a group only has one project, then it should not exist. Instead the
project should be handled using project roles so that members of the
project can handle the basic administration.

If the group has multiple projects, then it should use the main
permission system. I spent a good chunk of time rolling all of the
Commons ones back to using a group because roles just weren't working
for us.

Has anyone proposed a JIRA administrator's lecture at an upcoming
ApacheCon? 10 things you need to know about administering JIRA at
Apache kind of thing.


Step 1) Remove all admins
Step 2) Add admins back if they show up ;)

With roles in place, the majority of our admins shouldn't need to be admins.


Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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