The Imperius Project has been accepted into Apache Incubation with no dissents and the following votes in favor:

Yoav Shapira, Niclas Hedhman, Craig Russell, Matthieu Riou, Niall Pemberton, Robert Burrell Donkin

Bertrand Delacretaz expressed concern about the number of mentors. Bertrand, thanks for the feedback, I believe your concern has been resolved.

Project Mentors:
   Bill Stoddard, Filip Hanik, Craig Russell, Kevan Miller (non-binding)

Link to Project Proposal:


My biggest concern with this project is lack of community diversity. Projects that graduate from Incubation must have a diverse community, with no exceptions. I've asked David Kaminsky and the project members to explicitly consider, plan and document activities designed to promote and build the community. Project mentors, please reinforce this message with the Imperius Project team.

Congratulations Imperius Project Members!


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