Ah, good question (don't have the answer).  Personally, I'd love to see 
Apache.org stats via something like Google Analytics, but perhaps this can be a 
per-project thing.

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----- Original Message ----
From: Marshall Schor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:27:01 AM
Subject: hit counters for incubating web sites

Various posts in the past have expressed interest in collecting 
statistics on usage, or downloads.  Previous replies have pointed out 
that counting downloads is inaccurate, because Apache licensed 
components can be redistributed by others, and the Apache mirroring 
system means that most downloads occur from non-Apache machines.

We would like to get some statistical information about downloads, and 
are thinking that counting clicks on the download button(s) would be a 
good way (it would avoid the problem of missing mirroring).  Although 
not perfect (it would miss repackaging/redistribution, and other sites 
which link to a download page other than our own), we think it would be
somewhat useful, at least as a lower bound of interest.

Vadim Gritsenko has a stats site on people.a.o, looking at downloads by
extracting data from web server logs.  He has said, however, that he 
won't track individual incubator projects, just TLP.  See 
http://people.apache.org/~vgritsenko/stats/index.html and 
http://people.apache.org/~vgritsenko/faq.html .

Most of the hit counters out there seem to be snippets of html you add 
to your web page, which go off to someone else's server, where the 
counting happens. 

Is there a service running on an apache server (e.g., people.a.o),
we can use for hit-counting?  If so, can someone post the html needed
use it?


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