I don't mean to be secretive so I shall clarify things for you. I have
provided consultancy to JPMC and this did relate to Qpid, particularly
helping some of their teams to get set up with it. However, I have never
been covered by a corporate CLA but signed it as an individual contributor.
This was because I was not ever an employee of JPMC but provided consultancy
through another company. Our contract stated something along the lines of
JPMC specify what it is that they need, but is up to the contractor to
decide how, where, when this is fulfilled (in order to make it clear that I
was not an employee). In other words, I chose of my own independent free
will to recomend Qpid as a solution for them, and contributed to it as an
independant entity to further our mutual aims, rather than being employed
specifically to work on it.

I have finished consulting for JPMC but am still a committer to the project.
I have an active interest in other customers who could benefit from free and
open middleware especially where the interoperable and open nature of AMQP
could be used to their advantage. I also have an ongoing interest in
developing some testing ideas based on aspects of model checking, as I wrote
the junit-toolkit, and am interested in ways in which logic programming can
be used to generate and evaluate test cases.

I'm currently an active committer and fully independant at the time of the
proposed graduation. Hope this helps you make your minds up.

Best regards,


On 25/03/2008, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 12:44 PM, Robert Greig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On 25/03/2008, Robert Greig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  > > Let's drop the "legally" qualifier from independent... this isn't
> the IRS :-)
> >
> >  In that case I would claim that I am also independent. Although I work
> >  for JPMC I am not paid to work on the Qpid project and all my
> >  contributions for the last 14 months have been in my own time. As
> >  anyone can see from my public LinkedIn profile, I am an architect for
> >  the cash equities business.
> That's cool.  I'd much rather have people put it all out there and let
> others decide (full disclosure).  Intersecting affiliations should be
> disclosed IMO.  Doesn't matter what that affiliation is... working for
> part time, full time, indirectly, an indirect client of, working on
> site, whatever.
> The whole secrecy thing is strange.  Is Rupert one of those guys who
> can't reveal his affiliations (including people he works with and end
> clients, not just middle-men)?
> -Yonik
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