On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 4:50 AM, Robert Burrell Donkin <

> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 7:59 AM, Hirsch, Richard
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That is a coincidence - I was looking at james last night (
> http://twitter.com/rhirsch/status/1032899174) in terms of a bridge for
> ESME. I liked the idea of mailets
> > and was looking into the possibility of using one to allow users to send
> an email to james and having a mailet create an ESME message based on the
> contents of the email.
> cool: i'm very interested in helping out
> the mailet 2.4 API is limited by backwards compatibility and is too
> tightly bound to RFC822. for the mailet 3 API, i favour a move to a
> more flexible approach suitable for more general MIME-typed
> document+meta-data messages. James already support NNTP but the 2.4
> API prevents news being processed by mailets and made available
> through IMAP, POP3 etc. i'm very keen on mixing blog feeds into the
> mix (RSS, Atom in and out) plus flexible, extensible storage based on
> a JCR (jackrabbit).

Let me see about creating a plugin system for ESME.  The ability to put a
message into ESME is simple if you're running inside the process.

Oh... and I have to make a Java-friendly bridge for common ESME calls so
developers don't have to learn Scala (or maybe not... insert hand-rubbing
and maniacal laugh here.)

> as part of the geronimo integration work, an alternative spool service
> based on a high performance service bus (probably Camel) needs to be
> created. this will allow easy distribution and integration with JMS.
> - robert
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