Gaël Lalire wrote:
Hi !
Today if you want to do syntax analysis, you have to use a compiler of compiler 
(bison, yacc, javaCC ...) which generates source code.
After generation, you need to compile your generated source code and then you 
can parse some input.

I dislike this method because :
- you need to learn a meta-language (the language which describe the grammar)
- reusability of grammar is excluded
- the grammar cannot be dynamic (self described)

However I did not found any dynamical grammar analyzer so I decided to write it.
I separate my project in 3 modules :
- API : define Token, Terminal, Grammar, exceptions, ... ; A lexical analyzer 
have to depends on this module to send terminals to the syntax analyzer
- Impl : The analyzers (LR, LL, SLR, ...) and some calculation utilities.
- SPI : This module provide user friendly abstract classes. For example, if you 
create a grammar using this module there will be a type checking (generics) on 
and its rules, so you will be sure that there will be no ClassCastException. It 
also provide a easy way to create arithmetic expression (you just need to 
provide terminals, the helper
will create the rules).
I checked the code base and there are interesting (though partial) good ideas there. I really like the approach, ie providing a way to define your grammar in Java. Make me think that at some point, it could be cool to use annotations to define the grammar ...
Why donate to apache ?
I hope that I'm not the only one interested by having a runtime grammar tool, 
and I hope I could create a community on this project (because I'm alone).
This isn't an easy domain, there is many things I do not know about 
compilation, so a community could bring speeder or new implementations.
Also apache is well-known in university, which could be interested on this 
project for practical exercises.
As Gurkan stated, the very first step is to fill a proposal :
Future tasks :
- LL(*) to create (abstract LL exists and is untested)
- LR(1+) to create (I need documentations)
- LALR(*) to create (need documentations too)
- SLR(2+) to create (need documentations always)
- Naming issue (bad english, bad words ...)
- Comments
- Tutorial
- Find a way to serialize the grammar's states (actions on terminal input maps) 
and restore it with a simple bindings of terminals instead of grammar analyze.
- Create bindings with a lexer (ORO ? JDK ?)
- More reusable grammar part (boolean expression, sql parser, ...)
- Parsing error management
- Create a BNF to the SPI convertor
- ...

I join a source code to this mail.
This is a maven2 / eclipse project [eclipse is not mandatory but the .project 
is provided]

Now I need a champion (If I understand the mechanism : apache rule are not 
simple) to integrate the project.
Apache rules are simple. It's just that they are formal. This is the key to get a successful project out of incubation : The ASF is not sourceForge, and we promote Community above Code : the project must remain alive even if you quit it.

Thanks !

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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