2009/12/1 Scott Wilson <scott.bradley.wil...@gmail.com>:
> A question for mentors:
> As you know Wookie was originally developed within an EU-funded project;
> this has now finished and we're getting ready for the project review. I've
> been asked if:
> "On http://incubator.apache.org/wookie/ is it possible to add somewhere that
> the original development was funded by the European Commission through the
> TENCompetence Project?"
> I've taken a look at other incubator sites and can't see any similar
> statements so I'm assuming the answer would most likely be "no", however it
> would be useful to have a pointer to the policy to show the project
> reviewers.

I see no reason why this should not be allowed. I've cc'd this to
gene...@incubator but suggest you operate under lazy consensus on this
one. We can remove it if anyone objects. However, please add the link
as a nofollow to avoid upsetting any sponsors (who only have nofollow

I am aware of at least one situation in which having this on the
Wookie site will be an advantage, that is providing evidence that the
EC is happy to see code come to the ASF.

One reason why others don't credit the original source of the code is
that it might give an impression that company X owns the code and thus
impacts the impartiality of the project. However, given that, in this
case, we are talking about public funding in the EU I don't see that
as an issue here.

I would suggest that as the project matures this credit should move to
a thanks page or similar.


> Thanks!
> S

Ross Gardler

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