Amended with Subversion.  It is entirely up to the Board if they wish to
accept this after-deadline addition.

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Noel J. Bergman []
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 11:36
Subject: Incubator Board Report January 2010

The Incubator appears to be running smoothly, with nothing regarding Board
level attention.

Shindig, Cassandra and UIMA are all talking about graduating.  Shindig was
voted on last week, with the vote closed this morning in time to try to make
the Board meeting.  Cassandra, which is not reporting this period, is
discussing graduation to TLP status.  As noted separately, below, UIMA is
preparing to graduate in the very near future.

Proposed or newly entered:

  OODT --- a grid middleware framework for science data processing,
information integration, and retrieval
  Lucene Connector Framework
  JPPF : a parallel processing framework for Java

There is a 4th proposal, which resulted in some discussion regarding (code)
clearance vs (community) incubation.  It should be resolved shortly so that
the project can move forward.

Subversion, rather ironically, given the membership of the project, failed
to provide a monthly report for January.  Thrift also failed to report.
Notes on each are below.


= Ace =

Apache ACE is a software distribution framework that allows you to centrally
manage and distribute software components, configuration data and other
artifacts to target systems. ACE started incubation on April 24th 2009.

There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.


 * Toni Menzel accepted our invitation to become a committer, after
   contributions since the start of ACE which include support for launching
   Pax Runner, various patches and the migration to Maven.

 * Brian Topping accepted our invitation to become a committer, after
   about ACE at ApacheCon US 2009. Brian is helping out with the migration
to Maven.

 * Jean-Baptiste Onofre accepted our invitation to become a committer, after
   approaching us to work together on integrating ACE with
   He has since also helped out with the migration to Maven.

 * Marcel Offermans presented ACE at the ApacheCon US 2009 as part of the
OSGi track


 * Migrating from an Ant based build to Maven. Current trunk holds both
 * Currently its about aligning the Maven output with their Ant originals.
After that, the ant project will be moved out/removed. (Overview: ACE-62)
 * CI build is going to be moved to the Hudson grid. (see ACE-71). Awaiting
account creation in INFRA-2419.
 * Agreed on new terminology for some of the core concepts in ACE after
Carsten started a broad discussion about them.

Licensing and other issues

 * None at the moment.

Things to resolve prior to graduation

 * Make a release
 * Grow the community some more

= Bluesky =

BlueSky has been incubating since 01-12-2008. It is an e-learning solution
designed to help solve the disparity in availability of qualified education
between well-developed cities and poorer regions of China.

Last month we tried to pack the release candidate package and place it at However, we made some mistakes when
producing the package, first, a improper version number, second, forget to
start a release audit before making the release candidate package. These
faults are the things we'd restore the nxet step as soon as possible.

top 2 or 3 to resolve prior to graduation:

    * Complete the release audit and clarify the last legal issues;
    * Revise the release version number and repack the release candidate;
    * Start a new round of release vote at bluesky dev-mailing list;

= Chemistry =

Apache Chemistry is an effort to provide a Java (and possibly others, like
!JavaScript) implementation of the upcoming CMIS specification. Chemistry
entered incubation on April 30th, 2009.

There are currently no issues requiring board or Incubator PMC attention.


 * Another project (OpenCMIS) targetting a Java implementation of CMIS, like
   has been proposed to the Incubator. Discussions between OpenCMIS and
   developers have identified areas of possible collaboration but the
OpenCMIS incubation
   status has not moved forward.

 * Chemistry is now being used by companies or individuals outside the
initial developers.


 * Development continues at a steady pace, mostly driven by Florent
 * Chemistry now targets CMIS 1.0 CD 05 draft, soon to be 06.
 * Nuxeo will contribute a command-line shell for CMIS in a few days.
 * SOAP bindings are planned in the coming days as well.

Issues before graduation

 * Stabilize the general interest into a sustainable development community.
 * Set up Hudson builds.
 * Create an Apache release of the Chemistry codebase.

= Clerezza =

Clerezza (incubating since November 27th, 2009) is an OSGi-based modular
application and set of components (bundles) for building RESTFul Semantic
Web applications and services.

 . The are currently no issues requiring board attention. Recent activity:
  * All the Clerezza code has been imported in the podling's svn repository
  * Hudson continuous integration activated service interface
forextracting/creating metadata on upload
  * thumbnail generator based on the above
  * some fixes around security and sparql
  * started utilities to make "tagging" with skos concepts easy (front end
widget, and rest service querying remote sparql endpoints)
  * bug fixes in sparql and security (cookie authentication)
  * move to felix 2.0.2 with its security framework
  * look for synergies with apache wink
  * scripting engines (mainly scala): use common code base with sling
  * webdav support
  * offline site generation, to generate clerezza website with clerezza
  * implement graph-isomorphism algorith for propert implementation of
  * Stable serialization: review proposed patch
  * migration of Jena TDB to 0.8.4 version

 Next steps:
  * integration with UIMA
  * integration with Tika

 Top 2/3 Issues before graduation:
  * Get our website online, currently it's just a placeholder
  * Prepare some easy-to-run demos to get people interested in Clerezza
  * Prepare for a first release

= Empire-db =

Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome
the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object
Relational Management (ORM) approaches. Empire-db is on the Apache Incubator
since July 2008.

We accepted Benjamin Venditti as committer, this after his work on the code
generator through jira-posted patches. The code generator already got the
attention from other community members as well. Our maven-based release also
seems to have helped growing the community, the activity on both the user
and the dev list went up. We are still hoping to get one or two extra
developers involved in our development team.

The project's top 2/3 things to resolve prior to graduation:

 * Grow a larger community
 * Roll out a second maven-based release

= HISE =

HISE is Human Interactions Service Engine - an implementation of
WS-Human-Task specification.
It is in incubation since 2009-11-06.

For graduation, it needs:
 * remaining task operations implementation - currently it's about a half
 * building community of users and diversing community of developers -
currently all committers are from a single company.

Currently project has a basic WAR distro, which enables to do some basic
WS-Human-Task operations, like:

 * basic path for Task lifecycle: receiving a claim via Web Services,
claiming ownership,
   forwarding, completing a task and sending response via Web Services,

 * it has authentication support via WSS4J and holds an internal persistent
structure of
   user logins, passwords and their group memberships; potential owners for
tasks can be
   looked up by user's group attributes.

= Imperius =

Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.

Imperius is a rule-based policy evaluation engine based on the CIM-SPL
language from Distributed Management Task Force (

Candidate for the first release of Imperius was voted and accepted by the
Imperius community. The vote was then forwarded to the general mailing list.
Currently, we are waiting on one more binding vote to complete the release
and make the binaries publicly available.

In general, communication within the community continues to be limited and

Things to resolve prior to graduation:

  * Create an Apache release
  * Grow the community

= JSPWiki =

JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.

JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.

Significant progress was made in Stripesifying the jsp's.  We also
introduced a new content-inspection package and integrated CAPTCHA.  We
upgraded to the priha 0.7.0-alpha release which passes all tests from the
JSR-170 test suite, and offers better performance.

A number of bugs were fixed and 27 new unit tests were added, the current
unit test compliance has dropped a bit to 96.8 %.

Of the 27 items on the graduation checklist, still only 18 are complete, so
in that area there has been no progress.  All open items are documentation
and ASF process and infrastructure related.  There still is no
3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release.

The developer list currently has 82 members, a minor decrease from 86; and
the user list has 191 members, an increase from 187.

= Libcloud =

Libcloud is a unified interface into various cloud service providers,
written in python. Libcloud joined the Incubator on November 3rd, 2009.

Migration of infra services complete. Mailing list activity in this early
period has been good. More accounts were requested and have been processed.
A few Jira issues have been created and some early commits are happening.
The project API docs are being built and hosted on the ASF Buildbot, and it
runs RAT for us. There was a meetup in early December and by all accounts it
went rather well with a good turnout. New contributors are appearing and
showing interest by interacting on the mailing lists and providing patches.
Informal talk goes on in the #libcloud IRC channel. Work is underway to
interface with more external vendors. Libcloud is continuing to progress
towards a release.

= Olio =

Olio has been incubating since September 2008.

Olio is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the
suitability,functionality and performance of various web technologies by
implementing a reasonably complex application in several different
technologies. We currently have 3 implementations in PHP, Rails and Java.

We made our second apache release: Olio 0.2 version on January 13. This
release had some major enhancements to improve performance and better
alignment between the 3 versions of the application. This is the first
release for the Java version as well. We have closed a large number of JIRA
issues for this release.

Olio is continuing to gain users especially within the academic community
and is being used for diverse purposes from performance testing cloud
to specialized file system and databases.There are 35 subscribers to the
user list and 30 subscribers to dev, slightly more than in October.

Graduation From Incubation:

Diversity of committers is the primary issue with the project - although we
have users, we haven't been successful in converting them to
committers (yet).

We could use the PMC and Board's help in spreading the word about Olio to
get better traction.

= Shiro =

Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source application security framework
that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session
management and cryptography.

Shiro has been incubating since June 2008.

During the period, the project has made steady progress towards releasing
the first 1.0.0 release as part of Apache incubator. All IP clearance issues
have been resolved and the team has verified there are no known remaining
issues open. Previous issues related to project's name change have been
largely resolved.

Community involvement remains high and many users are eagerly waiting for
the first official release. The team is planning on making the release
during the next period. There's been an on-going effort to clean up the
codebase and prioritize open JIRA issues before the release.

Project's API documentation (javadoc) is in a fairly good state, but the
remaining issue is where and how to automatically publish the javadoc for
general consumption. In addition, a wiki-based documentation effort for
creating a reference guide was launched.

The project team is not considering graduation at this point, but after the
first release, the team will decide on a roadmap targeting graduation.

The status is being maintained at

Signed off by mentor: Craig L Russell

= Socialsite =
SocialSite is an open source Social Networking Service based on Apache
Shindig (incubating). The software is not simply a "canned" Social Network
or Facebook-in-a-box type of web application; it's something different.
SocialSite is designed to add social networking features to existing web
applications and web sites. SocialSite is made up of two parts: 1) a social
data server that supports the OpenSocial APIs and extensions and 2) a set of
OpenSocial gadgets that provide a complete user-interface for social

SocialSite is in the process of entering the incubator. Status page and SVN
space have been created but no user accounts. Committers have sent in ICLAs
but we're still waiting on Sun to deliver the code grant. During the last
month, out contacts within Sun have finally gotten permission to donate the
code to Socialsite -- so we are hopeful that we'll have code in SVN soon

= Subversion =

Subversion entered the Incubator on November 7, 2009. Subversion is a
version control system.

Mailing lists have been migrated to ASF infrastructure, and the old lists on have been turned into read-only mode. No progress has been made
to backfill archives, though some discussion has occurred. (Backfilling of
archives is not required for graduation.)

The most recent RAT report for Subversion shows only 32 unknown licensed
files. Work continues on either removing inappropriately licensed files from
the distribution tarballs or adding licenses to files found deficient.

The Apache Subversion web presence at is being filled
with content migrated from the existing website at
Once migrated, the Subversion community plans on culling unneeded
information, and better organizing existing content. (You don't get to
redesign your page hierarchy everyday!)

The community's plans to create a new patch release, have been a bit bumpy,
due to a number of technical issues caught during the signing/validating
period. These have been resolved, and the new patch release should be
imminent. It should be noted that although this release will be made under
the old license (to avoid having to relicense mountains of code on the
release branch), the release process will be observed and monitored by the
Incubator PMC as part of the podling's progress toward graduation.

The podling remains optimistic that a rapid progression to graduation is
possible in the next month.

The project is very active, with over a 1100 commits in December and ~200 so
far in January; 100s of messages per mailing list.

= Tashi =

Tashi has been incubating since September 2008.

The Tashi project aims to build a software infrastructure for cloud
computing on massive internet-scale datasets (what we call Big Data). The
idea is to build a cluster management system that enables the Big Data that
are stored in a cluster/data center to be accessed, shared, manipulated, and
computed on by remote users in a convenient, efficient, and safe manner.

Development activities have included work on the aws compatability layer, a
few minor bug fixes, a port of nmd to python, adding support for tagged
bridges in xen, and importing Zoni.

The project is still working toward building a larger user and development
community.  Michael Ryan, an active committer on the project, has taken a
new job and is unable to actively contribute to the project any longer.

Items to be resolved before graduation:
        * Prepare and review a release candidate
        * Develop community diversity (currently Intel and CMU committers)

= Traffic Server =

Traffic Server is an HTTP proxy server and cache, similar to Squid and
Varnish (but better). Traffic Server has been incubated since July 2009.

Recent activities:

 * 2009-12-28 George Paul joins the project as a new committer.
 * 2009-12-04 Buildbot system setup, with automatic RAT reports.
 * 2009-12-02 John Plevyak joins the Traffic Server PPMC.
 * 2009-11-16 John Plevyak joins the project as a new committer.
 * 2009-11-16 Diane Smith joins the project as a new committer.
 * 2009-11-16 Paul Querna joins the Traffic Server PPMC.
 * 2009-11-11 Paul Querna joins the project as a new committer.
 * 2009-10-29 Source code migration to Apache Subversion completed.

Significant code contributions has been made since the code was initially
released, including 64-bit support, IPv6 and ports to most popular Linux
distributions. Work is actively done on ports for Solaris, FreeBSD and
MacOSX. A development branch is made for new large code changes, there are
already some very exciting additions, including dramatic cache improvements.
We're keeping our trunk as stable as possible (bug fixes primarily) in
preparation for code freeze and our first Apache release. The plan is to
release Apache Traffic Server v2.0 in Q1 2010. Three new, non-Yahoo
committers have been added since incubation, further increasing the projects
diversity. The number of RAT reports / issues has been reduced
significantly, and we expect to have them all covered this month.

A joint Hackathon with the HTTPD crowd is planned for January 25-26. Some
details at

The top three things in the way for Traffic Server graduation are:

 * We have a potential license issue with a dependency on Berkeley DB.
   This needs to be resolved

 * The TM on Traffic Server issue. Yahoo! has offered two possible solutions
   ASF to consider, and we'd like for the board to pick one (see details

 * We need to make an official Apache release (planned for Q1 2010).

The Trademark issue is that Y! holds several TMs for the name "Traffic
Server", most of which expires soon. Our legal team has proposed two
possible solutions, the first being the easiest for us.

 1. Yahoo! provides ASF with a letter of assurance stating that we own all
    title and interest in and to the TRAFFIC SERVER mark and the four active
    registrations and that we will not take any action against ASF or any of
    licensees during the life of these registrations (and we'd express our
    of letting them lapse and expire in this letter).

 1. Yahoo! will assign all right, title and interest in and to the TRAFFIC
    mark including the four active registrations to ASF [though we'd
probably want
    to make this contingent on getting through the incubator stage].

= Thrift =


Thrift is running, and did put out a release in December.  There were 199
developer messages (a large percentage of which are JIRA posts), a handful
of user-related messages, and roughly a score of commits.

= UIMA =

UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.

Some recent activity:

 * 2.3.0-RC9 is out for testing and being voted as 2.3.0-incubating, and
just past the release vote; the IPMC will be asked to review now.
 * UIMA and Semantic Search presentation at IKS 2nd workshop (see
 * new incubating project Clerezza planning to integrate with UIMA
 * New committer voted in (Bhavani Iyer)

Items to complete before graduation:

 * UIMA is ready to graduate, and plans to start the graduation process
after the current release activity is finished.

= VXQuery =

The VXQuery Project implements a standard compliant XML Query processor. It
has been in incubation since 2009-07-06.

Recent activities:

    * all CCLAs in place
    * mailing lists are fixed
    * some progress towards running the complete XQTS (XQuery Test Suite)

Completed setup steps:

    * JIRA/Wiki set up
    * SVN access for initial committers set up
    * Initial codebase submitted to SVN
    * Mailing lists set up
    * All CLAs in place
    * Incubator status page set up
    * project home page set up

Top issues before graduation:

    * Build community
    * Create a release

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