On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Matthew Sacks
<matt...@matthewsacks.com> wrote:

> b) Here is the process for creating a podling site, as I understand it:
> 1) svn update
> 2) cd incubator
> 3) cp site-author/projects/someproject.xml site-author/projects/kitty.xml
> 4) vi kitty.xml (add content)
> 5) svn status -v
> 6) ant
> 7) svn commit
> c) Do you suggest I use Anakia to generate the site, or is the copy/modify 
> method I have above sufficient?

well, Anakia is part of your b).

So, after you have edited kitty.xml, you will also need to modify the
site wide stylesheets/project.xml, which contains the projects in the
the podling list, then run build.sh (not sure that ant will actually
work without the script), add the generated html file and then commit.

I am not sure if we still need to sync the web site with the svn
content or if that has been automated. It doesn't hurt, log in to
people.apache.org, cd /x1/www/incubator.apache.org and run "svn up".

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
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