I'm interested, especially as I've recently written a very lightweight SAX/DOM-like Java parser for fast parsing in Android/Java called Ssx (Super Simple XML). Long dissatisfied with the verbosity and mistakes in the DOM API, and having created a couple simplified XML APIs in the past, Ssx has a most-concise DOM/mini-XPath API that is directly aimed at application data use. The Ssx code has the ability to switch between SAX parsers on the fly, one of which is internal.

One method that I needed and that I think should be part of DOM-like APIs is a call like toXml() which returns parseable XML for any element. It should either assume a given set of namespace declarations (meaning it is more of a fragment) or it should generate namespace declarations for everything active at the point in the tree. Ssx does the latter so far in an efficient way.

I can't publish Ssx yet, but hopefully soon.

Additionally, we've begun the process of getting interest here in an OpenEXI incubator project. EXI is the W3C Efficient XML Interchange proposed standard for compact, efficient-to-process binary XML. We have two open source code bases (one just open sourced) that we are currently combining that will form the basis for the project. When a little more complete, we will continue that discussion.


On 1/21/11 9:04 AM, Eric Johnson wrote:
I've previously mentioned our GenXDM project on this mailing list. And I posted an incubator proposal (gXML at the time). As a quick reminder, GenXDM defines a Java API for the XQuery Data Model, via a layer of indirection, in such a way that you can choose different XML tree implementations at runtime, with minimal overhead.

At the time, it appeared we didn't attract enough interest to go through with incubating at Apache. We're still hoping to do that, though.

Since I posted our proposal, we've been busy. Of particular note to this mailing list, as a proof of concept, we've done a complete port of the XML Security Java library (Santuario) to the GenXDM APIs. And we've now released that over at the Apache Extras site.

We kept the port fully backwards compatible (all existing tests pass unmodified!), and added to the API, so that you can use Santuario with non DOM XML trees.

As we are still interested in incubating GenXDM at Apache, I wanted to mention our port here, as several people mentioned at the time that they wanted to see more, before deciding whether it made sense to get involved.

The projects:

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