On 5 June 2011 20:04, <robert_w...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

So I agree that supporting end users is critical, but I think the way that
> this is done in practice, does not necessarily require great centralized
> planning.

I'd say too much centralised planning for end user support is probably a
backward step.  We do certification which encourages end-users to become
more self-sufficient. We could do that unilaterally but we do want to put
something back. OOo marketing project has mainly been successful through
individual initiatives rather than great centralised plans - apart from
anything else the money required for global marketing campaigns simply
doesn't exist. End-user support is more through projects like OOoAuthors,
Solveig Haugland and Gabriel Gurley's books, the competiton we ran for kids
with OOo schools mascot Otto. I don't see any reason why such things and
more will not get supported simply because the code is with the ASF.

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