Niall Pemberton <> wrote on 06/05/2011 06:45:16 

> > I'll lend a voice to the contrary.
> >
> > I can't see why splitting a community should be a factor in entry to 
> > incubator. Just about every new open source community is trying topull 
> > developers from another community doing similar stuff. That's the 
nature of
> > the beast.
> True, but when its essentially the same software, rather than
> different software solving the same problem? If I proposed a new
> project that was a fork of the HTTP project, how would that go down?

Apache is obviously a market success, nearly 63% market share by some 
studies.    OOo, relative to the stature of the main competitor 
(Microsoft) has had much more modest penetration.  Maybe 10%.  LO market 
share is much smaller, but that may be due to its very early status and 
relatively lower adoption on Windows.  Also, it has had only had 2 stable 
releases so far, compared to the 10 year history of OOo. 

In any case, I hope you would agree that divergence in market leading 
project should be evaluated by an entirely different set of criteria than 
in the open source office suite area.  They are not comparable at all. 

So I recommend the follow question for consideration: What gets us to 60% 
for open source productivity?  Or even a respectable 20%  We might have 
different opinions on that, but is there anyone truly so confident in 
their own opinion that they would deny an attempt to try a different 
approach?  Apache OpenOffice could go to 20%.  It could go to zero.  LO 
could go to 20%.  It could go to zero.  None of us are omniscient, not 
even Simon ;-)  But we know this much, starting from such humble 
beginnings, we have far more to gain than lose by permitting multiple 
horses to run in this race.


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