Niall Pemberton <> wrote on 06/05/2011 07:02:02 

> >
> > Otherwise this is like the Baptists telling the Methodists that they
> > cannot have a church of their own in town, because the Baptists want 
> > recruit a larger choir.
> It is clear from IBM switching its efforts from Harmony to OpenJDK
> that there are no religious reasons over license. Other ASF people
> have expressed in this thread that in their opinion that is reason
> enough (and I respect that view) - but IBM can't claim that. So I
> think my point still stands.

Give me a citation please where anyone from IBM said the preference of 
Apache to TDF/OO was due only to the license? 

We're havinh some really good discussion on substantive issues happening 
on the list.  But I'm not going to waste time refuting points that no one 
(to my knowledge) has ever made.


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