Sorry, but we don't typically release code from not-passed proposals
or failed podlings. This would be an extraordinary circumstance, which
is why I mentioned the Board input.

So... I would not recommend this as a "first step" since it would be
abnormal. Tarballs on the sly aren't good; the ASF wants a proper,
vetted release.


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 00:00, Dennis E. Hamilton
<> wrote:
> I think this should be the very first step regardless, even for first 
> materials accessible from the podling.
> The next would be to figure out how to stage it onto the Apache 
> infrastructure, build what can be built, see what the deltas are, etc.
> This sort of preservation and assessment seems indispensible in getting going 
> and seeing what the opportunities are.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Stein []
> Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 20:45
> To:
> Subject: Re: Questions for the cheap seats.
> [ ... ]
> Not speaking for the Board, but this is what I'd lobby for: that we package 
> up all the code that was granted to us, apply the ALv2, and drop the tarball 
> onto
> Third parties could pick up that code under the ALv2 license, but it would 
> never be a "released product from Apache". Other producers of OOo-related 
> software could incorporate that code, should they wish.
> [ ... ]
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