On 5 Jun 2011, at 23:45, Keith Curtis wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> We only benefit if the code is contributed to us, as we only accept
> ..
> As the trees diverge, it will get harder to give code to you both.
> What if some changes depend on other GPL code? Your insistence on
> LibreOffice will for a long time be using a substantial amount of
> "your" software. 

Great! Don't worry about that. We celebrate that. 

The folks here at apache tend to like  to code - and if others use it - build 
amazing things with it -  so much the better. 

We're happy to see our children travel the world - and do not insist that they 
call home every night.



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