On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Danese Cooper <dan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 4) most customers use OOo on Windows
> Last time I checked, the percentage of Windows users was still in the high
> 90s percentile. But it builds on the various Linux distros, as well as
> MacOSX and a bunch of other platforms, each with their own lovely and unique
> quirks. This complexity is one of the reasons it might be a good idea to
> behave like kernel.org and let OOo "distros" handle end-user packaging and
> distribution.  Another reason would be that consumers are relatively
> unsophisticated and ask a lot of silly questions...
Thanks, Danese, that does clarify things  a bit for those of us who haven't
been involved since the beginning.

One question about the comment above though:  Are you advocating that Apache
OOo stick to source-only releases, and avoid
building and delivering binaries altogether?  Or is your idea that Apache
OOo would deliver builds, but that they be "Vanilla OOo" , ala the "vanilla
kernel" from kernel.org, with a presumption that (some|most|all) end-users
will choose to use a distribution provided by somebody else... where
somebody else could be IBM, Novell, LibreOffice, Red Hat, etc.?



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