On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 18:14 -0700, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 01:39:20PM -0500, Richard Frovarp wrote:
> >> Looks like this is the inaugural ASF release for Droids, right?
> >
> > Thank you for looking at this. Yes, it will be.
> w00t! 
> > Yes, the page needs to be updated. Ross has provided us with a link to  
> > the page on how to update that information. I personally haven't had  
> > time to do it. I think I'm on the PPMC, but for the Incubator, I'm not  
> > quite sure the distinction between a PPMC member and a committer.
> The roles are just as distinct as they are between a Committer and a PMC
> member for a top-level project, and there are separate voting procedures.
> Some projects add both roles at once:
>     http://incubator.apache.org/guides/ppmc.html#Voting+in+a+new+committer
>     http://incubator.apache.org/guides/ppmc.html#Voting+in+a+new+PPMC+member
>     For projects which wish to have all committers also be PPMC members, the
>     "Voting in a new PPMC member" guide below should then be followed, noting
>     that if desired it is possible to run a joint committership and PPMC vote,
>     providing that the guidance for both is followed.
> There should be archived VOTE threads on the droids-private list, which were
> cc'd to private@incubator.a.o.  Hopefully they were for PPMC membership.  If
> not, there will be some cleanup work to do.
> >> ... Thorsten is not on the IPMC right now, though as an ASF Member he can
> >> simply request to join.  Once that happens, you'll have 1 IPMC vote.
> >
> > But he is. Several months ago the board acked his request, but it would  
> > appear that the IPCM membership roster hasn't been updated.
> OK, great!  That's resolved.
> > Ross participated in a previous vote that didn't pass as we found things  
> > we need to clean up. It would seem he didn't have the time to  
> > participate this time.
> OK, that's reassuring. :)
> (Looks like OOo is already starting to impact our volunteer resources.)
> FYI, at this point I still plan to gate my vote on a +1 vote from a Droids
> Mentor.  IMO, it would be less than ideal to have an inaugural release
> approved by one interested party (Thorsten) augmented by freelancers, even if
> one or more Mentors has expressed some measure of support in the past.

Actually I stepped up as mentor when Grant resigned. 

Message-id: <ce9e361e-737d-47e5-bf7a-bbcbffea3...@apache.org>
References: <f7bb5fb8-eb7f-4203-91d7-c7ea1cdb7...@apache.org>

I need to search in my send mail folder but I actually wrote an request
to the private incubator list to add me as mentor.

> Lastly, I think it's worth commenting on the contents of README.TXT, which
> starts off like so:
>                         A p a c h e    D r o i d s 
>                         --------------------------
>                by Thorsten Scherler <thorsten at apache.org>
> That credit is obviously inaccurate and seems quite unusual for an Apache
> project.  I know that other projects have gone out of their way to delete all
> @author tags.  Perhaps Droids might consider doing likewise.

If you read this file to the end you will find:
"Please report feedback to the labs mailing list."

Meaning this file have not changed since it was first created in Apache
Labs. That is the only reason for this unusual credit. It started as
personal research project and we have not reviewed this file ever since.
Thanks for pointing this out, I will fix it right away.

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>

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