On 23 May 2012 19:35, Josh Wills <jwi...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Hey Jakob,
> This was a tough one-- you know that I've been talking about Crunch
> w/Joe Adler for a few weeks now, and I personally am really looking
> forward to working with you guys. That said, the team did feel
> strongly about keeping the initial committers to people who had
> already added major pieces of functionality to Crunch, and adding
> Vinod was about his expertise on the MR2 internals, which we think
> will be critical to Crunch's success. We are going to put the Crunch
> proposal up for a vote with the current team in place.
> We are, of course, very eager to grow the list of committers through
> the normal Apache process.

I'd go for pulling Jakob in for tactical and strategic reasons

1. He's using it at work, so represents the end users.
2. His code is always of high quality
3. Given the ongoing discussion on diversity w.r.t Flume, I think it would
be wise to not follow that projects example, and try to get broader
involvement from the outset.

Irrespective of the committer list at entry, you will need that broader
community at exit, so getting them in early is good.

Anyway, your decision, it won't effect my voting -it's just a different
action from that which I'd have taken.

Now, why are my tests failing...

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