My initial reaction is that there may be some confusion between this project 
and Commons Configuration, at least from a naming standpoint.  However, I don't 
believe Commons Configuration currently supports this format of configuration.


On May 30, 2012, at 11:18 PM, Seungyoung Kim wrote:

> Apache Parser
> ===========
> General Purpose Apache-style Configuration File Parser
> * Definition
>  - Apache-style Configuration:
>      A configuration file syntax and format originally introduced and used
>      in Apache HTTPd.
> * Abstract
>  Apache-style configuration syntax provides powerful, versatile and flexible
> representation of data which can be adopted by many other applications.
> * Proposal
>  We're proposing a developer library of General Purpose Configuration Parser
> based on and expanding Apache-style syntax.
> * Background
>  One of common file format is INI-style configuration which provides key-value
> pairs and 1-depth section. This format is simple but does not provide much
> flexibility.
>  XML and JSON format is another one which are used wided, but little bit
> too complecated and heavy from application's stand point of view.
>  Apache-style syntax can cover both simple and complex layerd configuration.
> The syntax is very versatile to represent almost data format and the callback
> mechanism adds flexibility.
>  Many cases, software engineers pay much of their time to define their
> configuration syntax. Apache-style configuration can be a good suggestion.
> * Rationale
>  Apache configuration has originally introduced by Apache HTTPd. When this
> project is provided as a one of Apache projects, we believe this project can
> grow up with strong community and use base.
>  It also helps future apache projects adopt this syntax for their new 
> projects.
> * Initial Goals
>  Initial goal is providing core library logic in C implementation.
> Other language bindings will be provided after that.
>  Initially, configuration parser will provide two way access of parsed
> entries. One is callback model which is the model Apache HTTPd is using.
> The other way is key-value model, primary for simple use and for other
> language bindings.
> * Current Status
>  At this point, initial base codes has written.
> * Community
>  This project needs engineers for other language bindings. This is one of
> reasons we want this project to be a Apache project.
> * Inexperience with Open Source
>  The core developer, Seungyoung Kim, has been driven and involved in
> several open-source projects such as qDecoder, qLibc, qHttpd and RingFS.
> * Required Resources
>  - Mailing lists:
>      apacheparser-dev
>      apacheparser-commits
>  - Subversion Directory:
>  - Issue Tracking:
>      Bugzilla
>  - Other Resources:
>      WIKI page
> * Initial Committers
>  Seungyoung Kim (wolkykim at gmail dot com)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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